In de kijker

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Giften kunnen worden overgemaakt aan het fonds of gestort op rekeningnummer IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404, BIC: BPOTBEB1 met de volgende vermelding: "S12760 Candle in the Dark - Child Vision Research Fund"
Het laatste nieuws en informatie over LCA. Hier kan je ook interessante links vinden naar andere, gelijkaardige fondsen.
- A Child's Story - Leber's congenital amaurosis (RDH12) - (video #1)
- A Child's Story - Leber's congenital amaurosis (RDH12) - (video #2)
- AAO: Gene Therapy Restores Partial Vision (video)
- Association Belge Francophone de la Retinopathie d'origine génétique
- Boy's Blindness Cured (video)
- Break The Chain of Inherited Blindness (video)
- Foundation Fighting Blindness
- Foundation for Retinal Research
- Gene Therapy for Blind Patients
- Gene Therapy Shows Promise for Blindness (video)
- Gene therapy success 'reverses' blindness (video)
- Gene therapy to reverse blindness Video Reuters (video)
- Genetic Therapy Restored Boy's Sight (video)
- LCA and the R.A.R.E. childrens story book contest by MarbleRoad (video) NEW!
- New Hope for Gene Therapy: A Young Boy's Fight Against Blindness (video)
- Seeing is Believing: A Gene Therapy Success (video)
- Seeking A Cure For...
- The portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs
- The RDH12 Fund for Sight - Focusing on the Cure
- The Story of Siblings - Leber's congenital amaurosis (RDH12) (video)
- Understanding the Visual Problems of Retinitis Pigmentosa
- What's it like to be visually impaired?