In the spotlight

Support us and discover our candles in black, platinum and red, here available for sale in three different sizes. Contact us for info and orders :
Gifts can be presented to the Foundation or transferred to its account no. IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404, BIC: BPOTBEB1 with the following reference: "S12760 Candle in the Dark - Child Vision Research Fund"
What can I do as an individual?
If after reading our pages you want to donate right now, then simply click here.
We use a secure third party, Ogone, to process online donations to the Child Vision Research Fund made through the Website, so you can transfer money with complete peace of mind.
We are always thrilled when people wish to get involved in their own fundraising activities to benefit Candle in the Dark, and will do all we can to support you. Potential fundraising activities include organising a party or other social event, participating in a sponsored sporting event (from charity walks to skydiving, etc), or requesting for birthday/Christmas gifts to take the form of a donation to our charity. Whatever your bright ideas may be, we’re here to help you make the most of them. For more information, please contact us.
The Child Vision Research Fund thanks you for your support.