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Gifts can be presented to the Foundation or transferred to its account no. IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404, BIC: BPOTBEB1 with the following reference: "S12760 Candle in the Dark - Child Vision Research Fund"
Money raised by the Child Vision Research Fund will go towards financially supporting researchers and specialized research laboratories throughout the world dedicated to the development of new therapies for retinal degeneration of genetic origin.
In addition to its fundraising activities, the Fund also aims to raise public awareness of LCA and related diseases. By bringing the issue to the attention of the economic and financial world, it hopes to attract domestic and foreign investors.
How can I support the Child Vision Research Fund?
What can I do as an individual? What can I do as a company?
There are several ways you can help, whether you’re an individual or a company. We have a number of different options for you. Please note that all donations of €40 and over are eligible for tax-deductible benefits. Donors will receive a tax certificate from the King Baudouin Foundation in the year following their donation for the cumulated amount of donations per calendar year.